Pages of the Project (Proje Sayfaları)

22 Nisan 2021 Perşembe

Nihan Karabulut/Şehit Öğretmen Mustafa Gümüş Secondary School

 After deciding on which students I was going to work with, I met with them through Zoom and explained the project to them. I asked them to sign up the necessary forms to join the project and we were done with our first week and the activities started :)

Our second week started with explaining our first web 2.0. tool which is chatterpix. This tool allowed students to have fun by creating avatars for themselves and by using voice-over to introduce themselves in English. They were really happy about the end results.

Here are the products of their hardwork! (Berra, Doğan, Enes and Eylül in order)

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